
May 17, 2002
Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Tyrus is terrified of my parents is kind of funny. My dad will turn it on and he backs away slowly. Well on Sunday we were over there (my mom cooks Sunday dinner for everyone every Sunday--thanks mom!) and they had the fireplace on. James and I were cleaning up the toys getting ready to leave. We were in the play room when we heard commotion and Ty crying. My sis Staci comes and tells me he touched the glass of the fireplace (what the..?!). So needless to say he had tiny blisters on the ends of his fingers. We tried to wrap up his hand and put some soothing med on it, but that didn't last. But tylenol did...yea!!!


Heather said... sad!

Kristen said...

Poor kiddo! I hope his hand feels better soon! Love your Utes door! GO UTES!

Amy said...

We too have a fireplace in the basement, and it's been turned on a few times already this year. Now that my baby is becoming mobile, I'll need to be more careful. Thanks for the "warning blog."

mindy said...

poor boy...and hooray for tylenol!